Buddha Bar Tbilisi

The Georgian capital has had its own Buddha Bar since March 2012.

Between Pan-Asian exoticism and international flavors, the Buddha Bar art of living has won over the city of Tbilisi. A Zen ambiance, a musical atmosphere and an innovative menu flourish under the amber lights.

Located on the left bank of the Mtkvari River, at the foot of the Bridge of Peace that is lit up every evening, Buddha Bar Tbilisi is beautifully laid out around an enormous double spiral staircase. On the upper floor, the restaurant offers a wide variety of signature dishes and numerous creations. A Buddha statue sits enthroned on the lower level in the middle of a colorful Lounge, curved bar and private rooms, illuminating the entire venue.

Метки: Buddha Bar, Buddha Bar Restaurants, Tbilisi, Georgia, Buddha Bar Tbilisi

Автор: Buddha Bar. Категория: Restaurants.
